Tempest in a Teacup
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My Father passed away & i'm suicidal. I want to talk to somebody
by Qrystal inin summary, my dad passed away not to long ago, 8 months ago, on april while i was 12. i'm 13 and i've been grieving for 6 months now and im suicidal.
i'm not doing this to get attention, but to talk to someone.
my dad was a jehovah's witness and i want to talk to all of you.
The saddest song of all time?
by Bad_Wolf ini would pick this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th2w6oxx0kq.
i don't know how so many are happy or fine if thinking this life is it.
haven't lost parents yet, but when with them, sometimes i'll think of this song.
Who Is An Apostate?
by NeonMadman inmaybe you've heard the story of a brother in the watchtower's writing department who was very smart, hard working and a good writer.
we'll call him charley.
charley was so good, in fact, that he advanced through the ranks and became a co-editor of the watchtower magazine.
Leaving it all behind.
by Jazzbo ini haven't been on an exjw site for months and months.
i frankly am way past the point where i define myself as an exjw, i am who i am and it doesn't have really anything to do with the way i was raised or spent a considerable portion of my life, i also refuse to be bound by witness requirements as to leaving, contact with witnesses, or some kind of responsibility to whack people who seem perfectly happy as witnesses over the head with 'the truth about the truth'.
i have recently run in to a few people that seems to simply obsess with their lives as witnesses and why they left and in some cases the way they were treated or mistreated, or the need to "do" something.
Marrying yourself is now a thing....
by James Mixon inok i'am old so i need some help to understand this new thing, what's the point in marrying yourself?
this sound like a gb brain storm idea....i guess you can never commit adultery....
We are becoming champions of grief. We lost twin B.
by Darkknight757 inlast week we had a reassurance ultrasound with our ob.
she was just supposed to check heartbeats on the two little ones and they were going strong!
but because she had extra time and she can be quite anal about her work (which is a good thing) she decided to take some measurements.
More congregations? One of the strategies they used to inflate the numbers in my city.
by Tempest in a Teacup ini looked at the 2017 yearbook figures this morning, and it reminded me of something which happened in my former congregation 2 years ago.
it was a tiny foreign language congregation with at most 25-30 publishers.
comes and splits a 30 member congregation into....three.
Are JWs the most gossiping people on earth?
by Londo111 inwe all gossip.
it is only human.
watchtower actually tries to instruct adherents not to gossip and it can land a jw in front of a judicial committee—some do try to follow this admonition.
She displayed a literature cart in front of my house: That does it for me!
by Tempest in a Teacup inis this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.